Dynamic PricingFinancial Market Forecasting

Live trading statistics from streaming trades

Get trading statistics about the last hour of trading

Current available drivers counter

Count the number of drivers available in the given area.

Yesterday’s stock closing prices

Get the previous day's closing price (useful for day-to-day comparisons).

Daily returns for stocks

Determine the percent of daily return from one closing price to the next closing price.

Ride request counter

Count the number of rides recently requested in the given area.

Historical ride duration statistics

Compute the mean and standard deviation of ride durations.

Real-time Z-score for requested ride duration

Computes the z-score of the requested ride, relative to historical rides.

Closing stock price metrics

Analyse closing prices seen over different timespans.

Daily transaction stock statistics

Analyse stock trades made each day.

Today’s stock closing prices

Get the closing price of a stock.